Saturday, 19 September 2009

Fragments of Freedom; Four (family)

The one and only collective. That from which you have to free yourself, or rather I.
One difficult monster to overcome. I say try your very best to disappoint them, if necessary.
If one relationship with people that were simply environmental accidents were to be truly real, I think it has to somewhat be rebuild. Be lost and found again.
I basically hate most of them, that they are just around and that they are accidents.
Having all too much influence in my life. Thinking themselves the right to command me.
You are holding me down, friend. I want to find new ones. Prove yourself if you want to come with me. Onto and into self determination. Of where I yet only dream... and you're all still, fully or somewhat, here; perhaps more than ever when I try to break free. Oh

1 comment:

  1. i can't help thinking whether things are different or values upside-down; or if any of it matters, or if i know what i'm saying is what i mean or if there's anything with meaning to be said.

    proof... we all need to prove ourselves but my own denial so like a cactus with roots that reach the core of the earth.
