Saturday, 19 September 2009

Investment Friendship

It is lots of time onto trust and love then intimacy.
Ofc. it hurts when you lose someone, if you really knew one another that is.
No wonder you'd lust after fucking everyone you admire if you worship sexuality.
Experimentation in relationships is an approach all too great. So good you don't learn more from anything. Talking about everything will be the best thing to ever happen to me.


  1. Some things are so difficult to appreciate enough when you have them no matter how hard you try and, if, when, you lose them you can't decide between feeling sad or sorry.

    but maybe there's the unexplicable defence of feeling somewhat glad there's an end.

  2. If you feel glad then there was something wrong I think.

  3. Maybe there's something wrong with me. or maybe there's just nothing wrong at all and that's what's so great.
