Friday, 25 September 2009

Reality is here

Whenever the actuality happening around me hits me in the face
I remember why I'm used to fleeing from it. Or at least not to care

It is horribly demanding and destructive
while also the only chance. For anything

You; is the only thing I want to have to think about
Mmmh, topic of dreams

But it just feels so fucking good to be in that complete mental state
In the morning when all gets up, to be one complete waste
and to feel like nothing, just good in some way.
A night with stimulating thought and enlightening pornography
some obsessions and a fulfilling sense of worry

To finally just fall into this dream where there is nothing to worry about
because outside all can fall apart; but not here
not now and if so, i wouldn't notice i'd just die with a smile

Seeing all the faults with reality, it makes you want to see it as a fault in itself

Experiencing what you saw in a movie, it's liberating to be alive
just gets you down to earth where it's cold (sometimes)

Enough just wait

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