I always thought falling into the great lie of love, the evolutionary biology trap 'd destroy me or could
Now I'm not so sure any more. I think it can much more than harm
Make you stronger. There's so much courage, strength, motivation, to gain from it
So much to learn.
It scares me and horrofies to see how little it takes to actually be
That is, to recognize your own freedom
And how much possibility there really is.
I think it takes a lot of background work on yourself,
especially perspectives, possible philosophies of life, and to find the right lenses through which it is even possible to make sense of anything.
I'm convinced hard, strongly that is, of love towards not persons but their representations of ideals
And with that it is impossible to hold onto the fantasy of one on one.
It may be there. And it may be good. But it doesnt' have to in any way.
If I love another and even if I fuck them and love that. I cannot imagine falling out of love
ever. If you need an adventure or friends, even regular friends I will be jealous of,
naturally, as all time spent with you is time I'd want to spend with.
I'm starting to see the boundries of virtual reality crumbling down
Reckage revealing, the cold naked, cold warmth, it hurts the eye
of the valley of death, no, life, actual life.
Even if only words, and I would protest they are more,
but yet in fact of mere wordliness,
aren't they so pretty they're worth?
Pretty much all questions are easily answerable,
only mostly no one wants to find the answer or hear it
As the profs 'd be out of work. We'd need not them not any more.
No most questions come down to defining your terms.
And the world becomes easy a place.
Until again you face
The cold heart of feelings
atrained onto you as a child
And to beat them it takes journeys,
or so it's told, well so it seems.
Which we might not want to take.
So, broken we wallow
in leftovers of extensions of the great which we might have achieved
we swallow, the juices, companions'
we seeked. Ones good,
relatively the best. I guess
Even if all were guesses
there'd still be better or worse.
Peace for everyone
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